
COMMENT HERE on the proposed Corby Walking and Cycling Plan


Proposed Walking and Cycling Plan for Corby

We are approaching the final stages in designing a walk and cycle network plan for Corby. Thank you for any feedback you have already given us. This has been used to help design the routes so far. 

Now we need to refine the designs and understand your views on which routes are most important and should be prioritised.

Please take a few minutes to take a look at the proposed plans for each route and let us know your thoughts. 

Here are the proposed cycle routes for improvements. Please look through them and answer the questions below to let us know your top 3 priority routes.

Overall proposed Corby cycle network

Corby Cycle Corridors.pdf
Corby Cycle Corridors.pdf

Corby East

Corby East Cycle Corridors.pdf
Corby East Cycle Corridors.pdf

Corby North

Corby North Cycle Corridors.pdf
Corby North Cycle Corridors.pdf

Corby North East

Corby North East Cycle Corridors.pdf
Corby North East Cycle Corridors.pdf

Corby South East

Corby South East Cycle Corridors.pdf
Corby South East Cycle Corridors.pdf

Corby South West

Corby South West Cycle Corridors.pdf
Corby South West Cycle Corridors.pdf

Corby West

Corby West Cycle Corridors.pdf
Corby West Cycle Corridors.pdf

Here are the proposed improvements for walking routes and include a 'liveable neighbourhood' option to reduce through traffic in Corby Old Village. Please look through them and answer the questions below to let us know your top 3 priority routes.

Proposed Corby walk routes improvements

Corby Walk Routes Proposed Improvements 2 pages.pdf
Corby Walk Routes Proposed Improvements 2 pages.pdf

View full technical report here

Corby LCWIP Second Issue incl Appendices-compressed.pdf
Corby LCWIP Second Issue incl Appendices-compressed.pdf

This engagement phase has finished

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